


When You use the website, Hotel Cason del Tormes may collect and process Your personal data, alone or in collaboration with the member establishments of the Honotel hotel network or the Happyculture programme of services, which allow Our Users to benefit from Our privileged services and offers.

The purpose of this Personal Data Protection Policy is to inform Users of the Service of the means implemented to collect and process Your personal data, in compliance with applicable French and European legislation, in particular Law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, amended by Law n°2004-801 of 6 August 2004 and by Law n° 2018-493 of 20 June 2018, Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and Directive 2002/58 of 12 July 2002 as amended by Directive 2009/136/EC, and any national transposition text or any subsequent text that would succeed them.

Your privacy and the protection of Your personal data are of utmost importance to us.

By accessing and/or using the Service, You agree that Your personal data may be collected and processed under the conditions and procedures set out below. If You do not agree to this Policy, You must cease all use of the Service.

The Policy forms part of the Legal Notice of the Service and should be read in conjunction with this TOS which can be accessed at and Our Privacy Policy which can be accessed below.

We may modify the Policy, in particular in order to comply with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential, editorial or technical changes under the conditions described in the TOS. You must therefore refer to the latest version of the Policy before browsing.

1. Definitions

The terms "personal data", "process/processing", "controller", "processor", "recipient(s)", "consent", "file", have the same meaning as set out in Article 4 of the GDPR.

2. Data controller

The controller of the User's Personal Data collected on the Service is the company Honotel Développement, whose contact details can be found in Article 10.

3. What are the Personal Data collected?

When collecting Personal Data, the User will be informed if some Personal Data must be filled in or if they are optional. If the Personal Data that must be collected are not provided, access to and use of certain features of the Service, such as the online room reservation service, will be impossible.

In particular, We may collect the following categories of Personal Data:

Identity: title, surname, first name, organisation, telephone number, e-mail address;

Interests declared via a form or deduced from the use of the Service;

Contacts and exchanges with Us;

Technical data of navigation and interaction: statistics of frequentation: IP address, cookies, for example, the pages consulted by the User, the date and time of the consultation (see the Cookies Policy)

4. Why do we collect your personal data?

The Personal Data that You provide to Us, as well as those that are collected and/or processed in the context of Your use of the Service, are processed for the following purposes in particular:

Legal basis


Contract between You and Us (TOS and this Policy)

To make the Service available to You, to ensure its proper functioning, in particular to process Your requests, to facilitate Your navigation, etc.

Our legitimate interest in improving Our Service

To improve the Service, in particular to optimise or offer new functionalities to the Service, or to offer You a simplified automatic entry

Our legitimate interest in providing You with services and offers that correspond to Your preferences and interests

To adapt and optimize the display of the contents of the Service and promotional offers, to the parameters or preferences, appetites and centres of interest, known, assumed or deduced, of the User, which may result from Your use of the Service, from the information You have entered or from Your navigation and Your interactions with the Service

- Our legitimate interest in promoting Our Service and providing You with offers and news

- Your consent to receive offers and news from Our partners

To inform You of Our offers and news, unless You object, and of offers and news from Our partners, if You have given Your consent

5. Who are the recipients of Your Personal Data?

The database of Personal Data created during Your use of the Service is strictly confidential. We undertake to take all useful precautions, organisational and technical measures appropriate to preserve the security, integrity and confidentiality of the Personal Data, and in particular to prevent them from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorised third parties.

5.1 Data transferred to public authorities and/or bodies

In accordance with the regulations in force, Personal Data may be transferred to the competent authorities upon request and in particular to public bodies, exclusively to meet legal obligations, judicial officers, ministerial officers and bodies responsible for collecting debts.

5.2 Data accessible to third parties

Personal Data may be used by Us, Our subcontractors, Our affiliates and/or, if applicable, Our business partners, for the purposes described in Article 4 above.

- Our staff, the services in charge of control (auditor in particular) and Our subcontractors will have access to the Personal Data collected in the context of the use of the Service;

- Our commercial partners, such as restaurants or spas, will have access to the User's Personal Data for the purpose of managing his reservations and after-sales service;

- Social networks: if the User has an account on social network sites and accesses the Service, We may receive information from said social networks, and the social network services may receive information relating to the use of the Service by the User. When the User uses the Service via a social network site, the User allows Us to access certain information that he or she has provided to the social network site, such as, but not limited to, his or her username, first and last name, profile picture, and Personal Data related to the use of that service. By accessing the Service via a social network site, the User authorizes Us to collect, store and use all information that the User has authorized the social network site to provide to Us.

5.3 Transfers outside the European Union

The User's Personal Data may be processed outside the European Union, including via remote access. We undertake not to carry out any transfer of Personal Data outside the European Union without implementing appropriate safeguards in accordance with the Applicable Regulations.

6. What are Your rights regarding Your Personal Data?

In accordance with the Applicable Regulation, subject to an express request and proof of Your identity to Us, You have a right of access to Your Personal Data, a right of rectification, a right of opposition, as well as a right to erasure, under the conditions of the Applicable Regulation.

Your right to erasure of Your Personal Data applies subject to the needs that We can justify to keep Personal Data, in particular with regard to Our legal obligations.

In case of exercise of the right to object, We will cease processing


The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform users of the website of the means that Hotel Cason del Tormes uses, alone or in collaboration with the member establishments of the Honotel hotel network or the Happyculture labelled service programme, to consult and store information relating to Your navigation on the Service.

When using the Service, information relating to the browsing of Your computer, tablet, smartphones, etc. may be recorded in text files called "cookies" installed on Your Terminal, subject to the choices You may have expressed concerning "cookies" and which You may modify at any time.

The Cookie Policy is an integral part of the Legal Notice of the Service and must be read in conjunction with these TOS accessible from the following address:, as well as with Our Privacy Policy accessible above.

We may modify the Cookie Policy, in particular to comply with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential, editorial or technical changes under the conditions described in the TOS. You must therefore refer to the latest version of the Cookie Policy before browsing.

1. What is a cookie?

A "cookie" is a small text, image or software file that We may record on the hard disk of Your Terminal through Your Internet browser when You use the Service, subject to Your agreement and unless You object.

A "cookie" allows its issuer, during its period of validity, to recognize the Terminal concerned each time this Terminal accesses digital content containing "cookies" from the same issuer.

Once installed, cookies enable Us to recognise You on each visit to the Service, and therefore to enable You to benefit from all the features of the Service, to indicate Your visit to a particular page and thus to provide You with an additional service. They also allow Us to improve Your browsing comfort, to secure Your connection or to adapt the content of a page to Your interests or preferences.

The information recorded by "cookies", for a limited period of validity, concerns in particular the pages visited, the type of browser You use as well as other data that Our online services process automatically such as the identity of Your Internet access provider, Your IP address or the information You have entered on the Service (in order to avoid re-entering it).

Cookies are not active files, and therefore cannot harbour viruses. For more information, You can visit

2. What is the purpose of the "cookies" issued on the Service?

Only the issuer of a "cookie" is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.

Cookies" are used for the purposes described below, subject to Your choices, which You may express and modify at any time via the settings of the browser software used during Your browsing on the Service.

2.1 Browsing "cookies

Browsing "cookies" help improve the performance of the Service in order to provide the User with a better use of the Service. These "cookies" do not require the User's prior information and consent to be deposited on the User's Terminal.

More specifically, these browsing "cookies" make it possible to

adapt the presentation of the Service to the display preferences of Your Terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) when You use the Service, according to the hardware and software for viewing or reading that Your Terminal contains;

to allow access to a reserved area subject to a login and password;

to memorise information relating to the forms that You have filled in when using the Service;

to memorise Your preferences of use, the display settings and readers that You use in order to facilitate Your navigation during Your next visit to the Service;

to adapt the informational or promotional content of the Service according to Your interests and preferences assumed, declared, or resulting from Your navigation on the Service, and according to Your place of connection to the Service;

to implement security measures, for example when the User is asked to reconnect to the Service after a certain period of time has elapsed.

2.2 Statistical "cookies

The statistical "cookies" issued on the Service make it possible, in particular, to establish statistics and measures of frequentation and use of the various elements making up the Service (sections and content visited, paths, etc.), enabling us to improve the interest and ergonomics of the Service.

The results of the analysis of the statistical "cookies" are processed anonymously and for statistical purposes only.

2.3 Advertising "cookies" and third-party "cookies

Advertising "cookies" and third-party "cookies" make it possible to

to determine in real time which advertisement to display according to Your recent navigation in order to limit the number of times an advertisement is displayed and to help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign;

to personalise Your browsing experience on the Service, maintain and improve the quality of Our Service and protect You from fraudulent activity. When third party sites, such as social networking sites, receive information contained in "cookies" through the use of a specific module of the Service, this information is assumed to be anonymous and is intended only to identify You on the Service.

3. Duration of validity of cookies

The "cookies" issued on the Service are session "cookies" (the duration of which is limited to the time of a connection to the Service) and persistent "cookies" (the duration of which, however limited, is greater than the duration of a connection).

Session cookies are only active for the time of your visit and are deleted when You close Your browser. Persistent "cookies" remain stored on the hard disk of Your Terminal once Your browser is closed.

In accordance with the Applicable Regulations and the recommendations of the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés ("CNIL"), cookies are kept for a maximum period of 13 (thirteen) months after their initial deposit. At the end of this period, Your consent must be obtained again for the collection of cookies subject to consent [KO2].

4. Your choices regarding "cookies" :

All the rights of the User recognised in Article 6 of the Personal Data Protection Policy are also applicable to the use of "cookies".

Several possibilities are offered to You to manage cookies. The User understands that "cookies" improve the comfort of navigation on the Service. Any parameter setting that the User may undertake may modify his/her navigation on the Service and his/her conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of "cookies". We shall not be held responsible for the consequences of the Service not functioning properly due to the impossibility of installing or reading the "cookies" necessary for their proper functioning, once the User has rejected or deleted them.

Users may configure their browser software so that cookies are stored in their Terminal or, on the contrary, rejected, either systematically or according to their sender. Users may also configure their browser software so that acceptance or rejection of cookies is offered to them from time to time, before a cookie is likely to be recorded on their Terminal.

Please note that exercising the right to refuse will not prevent the display of advertisements. Only advertisements using the Service's personalisation services will cease. In other words, the User will no longer be exposed to advertisements adapted to his or her centres of interest via the use of "cookies" on the Service but will continue to be displayed advertisements whose content will not necessarily be in line with his or her centres of interest, or even dubious.

The help menu or the dedicated section of Your browser will allow You to know how to express or modify Your preferences regarding "cookies":

- For Internet Explorer™:

- For Safari™:

- For Chrome™:

- For Firefox™:

- For Opera™:

- iOS:

- Android:

- Blackberry :

- Windows Phone :